When my nephews were growing up, I always enjoyed crafting with them and when I found out I was pregnant with Maddy, I knew that I’d be excited to begin crafts with her too! While she’s still pretty young (6 months), as an OT and fellow crafter, I knew I wanted to start our sensory crafts right away. So we did our first craft last weekend and it was a hit!
My favorite part was watching her explore what was in front of her and my second favorite part was seeing Tim’s reaction to her finished art work hehe.
I highly recommend this to any fellow parents! It’s great for babies to explore colors, explore their hand movements and begin to gain more control over their actions!
You probably have most of these supplies laying around (other than the canvas board), so this activity is easy and fun! Maddy and I had a fun 15-20 minutes with this activity so I hope you enjoy it with your little too.
1) Cling Wrap https://amzn.to/3ZHnz4i
2) Canvas Board https://amzn.to/3PFTe17
3) Acrylic Paint https://amzn.to/3PCe4yt
4) Tape
5) Small Basin (to wash hands)!
Set Up:
1. Put small dots of acrylic paint across the canvas
2. Cover the canvas and paint with cling wrap, taping the cling wrap to the back of the canvas so it won’t come off easily!
Let’s Paint!
Let your baby explore and tap around the canvas! At first Maddy just stared but I modeled some tapping, I encouraged her to squeeze and soon she was having a blast!
Landddd after lots of exploring and smashing, viola! You have your baby’s first piece of art! <br>I had a little basin (literally the one they gave me from the hospital) close by so that if Maddy had paint on her hands (because she liked to scratch the cling wrap too) I could just dip her hand right in and help her wash her hands! <br>It was fairly mess free, lots of fun and Tim was SO proud of her 🙂 He wants to keep this forever and he’s actually the one who took a picture of the finished product.
More importantly, Maddy was also proud of her work! Haha I loved how she looked at it. I’m sure she was confused but she had a lot of fun and I’ll be doing this with her again soon!
Let me know if you end up doing this with your baby!! Would love to know how it went and see your final creations 🙂